The Company | SDW

Success through customer satisfaction.

Due to the high demands that the market places on companies today and the rapid pace at which new technologies are being developed, we are rising to the challenges and are the ideal partner for our customers with our materials and processes.

We don’t deliver products – we deliver solutions that increase our customers‘ business success.

With our many years of experience, we have excellent market knowledge and practical know-how. SDW Sueddeutsches Dichtungswerk GmbH’s customers come from industry and development and include global market leaders as well as medium-sized companies.

What is the same, however, is that our customers place the highest demands on the quality and innovation of our products and developments.

You are looking for reliability, short delivery times and developments that increase your production success in order to meet the requirements of tomorrow’s growth market.

  • We do not sell products, but solutions for our customers‘ tasks and problems.
  • We help our customers to be even more successful.
  • With our high-quality materials, we achieve longer machine running times and develop effective solutions for new projects together with our customers.
  • The high level of customer satisfaction and long-standing customer relationships confirm this.